"The West is decadent and divided; it has no stomach to risk our atomic reprisals"

"The West is decadent and divided; it has no stomach to risk our atomic reprisals"

Like it or loath it, Octopussy could be the most significant example of Bond foreshadowing to date. The duo behind the franchise Bond have compared Vladimir Putin's mindset to that of the deranged General Orlov — hammed up to top effect by Steven Berkoff.

"It's just like today", Michael G. Wilson said. "Berkoff is effectively playing Putin showing how he's going to invade the West. It was the whole plot of the movie, and we did it nearly 40 years ago".

He also drew comparisons between warmongering Putin and the poisoning plot in No Time to Die.

"The way Putin was bumping off people around the world with Novichok. We came up with the idea of a poison that was DNA targeted but could be passed between people. That is something that Putin would love".


"Let's hope he doesn't get any more ideas," added half-sister Barbara Broccoli.

 Copyright © 2022 J W Emery Ltd. All rights reserved.

Joe Emery

Joe is Editor of For Bond Fans Only and a writer by trade. When he's not watching Bond, he can be found listening to The Beatles and worrying about West Ham. You can find him on Twitter @JWEmeryLtd

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