Ramming it down our throats
Johnny Depp's defamation case against Amber Heard turned his lawyer, Camille Vasquez, into an internet sensation. Naomie Harris, aka Eve Moneypenny, has spoken about the court case's pandemonium.
"It's hard not to have followed that case because it was so rammed down our throats every day. It was all over social media — all over the news — everywhere. I think there's something quite disturbing about that, actually. Serious events in the world deserve much greater airtime than they're having because this kind of thing is being aired".
In case you lived under a rock during the spring of 2022, Johnny Depp was suing ex-wife Amber Heard for defamation.
"I don't understand why, with something that should have been a very private case between two people, the whole world was allowed access to it," she added.
"I find it really bizarre and problematic. We televised that but not Ghislaine Maxwell's trial, which is much more relevant and important. I have real issues with that".
Socialite Ghislaine Maxwell was recently sentenced to 20 years in a US prison for recruiting and trafficking teenage girls for sexual abuse by Jeffrey Epstein and his high-profile network.
Naomie, who previously worked with Johnny Depp on Pirates of the Caribbean, also said she feels the Me Too movement is still strong:
"It's an extremely powerful movement that I am so proud to have been part of," she said. "It's way more powerful than one particular case and one individual. It has momentum that will not be derailed. It's too entrenched, and it will continue. Changes as a result of the MeToo movement are in place now".
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Joe Emery
Joe is Editor of For Bond Fans Only and a writer by trade. When he's not watching Bond, he can be found listening to The Beatles and worrying about West Ham. You can find him on Twitter @joeemerywrites