No Time for F*cking Bozos
Billie Eilish continues to put haters in their place. She took to Instagram to hit back over at comments made about her style choices. The James Bond theme tune singer, famous for her baggy clothes, has donned a more "feminine" and "fitting" look of late.
"I spent the first 5 years of my career getting absolutely OBLITERATED by you fools for being boy ish and dressing how i did & constantly being told i'd be hotter if i acted like a woman", she penned.
"And now when i feel comfortable enough to wear anything remotely feminine or fitting, i CHANGED and am a sellout.. and 'what happened to her' oMg iT's nOt thE sAmE biLlie she's just like the rest bla blah…
"I can be BOTH you f*cking bozos. LET WOMEN EXIST! :))))
"FUN FACT! did you know that women are multifaceted!!!!!??? shocking right?? believe it or not women can be interested in multiple things".
Billie previously declared that she wore baggy clothes in a bid to not be sexualised or body shamed:
"I never want the world to know everything about me. I mean, that's why I wear big, baggy clothes. Nobody can have an opinion because they haven't seen what's underneath, you know? Nobody can be like: 'she's slim-thick,' 'she's not slim-thick,' 'she's got a flat ass,' 'she's got a fat ass.' No one can say any of that because they don't know".
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Joe Emery
Joe is Editor of For Bond Fans Only and a writer by trade. When he's not watching Bond, he can be found listening to The Beatles and worrying about West Ham. You can find him on Twitter @joeemerywrites