"Buy me a pint!"
Daniel Craig has opened up on which emotions he's experiencing about hanging up his holster at the age of 53.
"It's everything", he said. "It's been close to 16 years of my life, and it's been incredible to do these films.
"Bond films don't get made very often, so to have this opportunity has been the biggest thing in my professional career obviously, but also one of the biggest things in my life, so it is very emotional.
"At the end of SPECTRE, I was very down on everything, and I thought that was it, but I'm really, really happy that I was given the opportunity to come back and do this. No Time To Die wraps up a lot of the stories, and the chance to do just one more was wonderful.
"I'm glad I'm ending it on my terms. I'm grateful to the producers for allowing me to do that — but I will miss it. I will probably be incredibly bitter when the new person takes over," he joked.
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Joe Emery
Joe is Editor of For Bond Fans Only and a writer by trade. When he's not watching Bond, he can be found listening to The Beatles and worrying about West Ham. You can find him on Twitter @joeemerywrites